Mission Created Discovery Process

If you are seeing this page, it is because we are excited to work with you and we believe in your business.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll lead you through the following discovery process to ensure that we fully understand your business, your goals, and your clients. We’ll use the information we gather during these four sessions to identify a specific course of action to meet each one of your goals.

Here is an outline of our discovery sessions:

Meeting #1

(20 minutes)

Determining that Mission Created is the right fit

Meeting #2

(1 hour)

Understanding Your Business and Identifying Sales Process and Goals

Meeting #3

(1 hour)

Identifying your Ideal Customer and the Problem You Provide a Solution To

Meeting #4

(1 hour)

Identifying Market competition, Web Traffic, & Search Positions

Meeting #5

(1 hour)

Identifying Marketing Strategies & Tactics

Meeting #6

Solutions Presentation
(1 hour)

Revisiting Goals & Proposing Solutions

Meeting #7

Proposal Presentation
(1 hour)

Monthly Retainer Proposal

Meeting #8

Work Kickoff
(1 hour)

Upcoming Content Plan

Discovery Session Deliverables:

  • Ideal Customer Profile PDF
  • Customer Problem/Solution PDF
  • Simple Brand Guide PDF
  • List of 10-20 Key Competitors
  • List of Suggested Improvements to Online Presence / Brand
  • Your Business Goals Outline
  • Solutions Presentation
  • Monthly Retainer Proposal

Discovery Session Cost:

The cost for Discovery Sessions ranges between $750 – 3000, depending on the size of your business and scope of your project. It is a prerequisite for any monthly retainer with Mission Created, as it is required for us to produce effective work.

How to Move Forward:

If you’re seeing this page, you’ve already scheduled your first discovery session and there is an estimate in your email inbox.

If you have any questions, don’t hestitate to email us! Our email address is: team [at] missioncreated.com

Las Vegas
team [at] missioncreated.com

Drop us a line

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